We welcome children and young families at St Mary’s, and offer all sorts of activities: at church on Sundays but also at groups throughout the week and at special events and clubs which take place during the year.
Children at St Mary’s learn about friendship with Jesus through songs, Bible stories, prayer, craft and games.
A creche area with toys and books (for under 3’s) is available in the side chapel during the 9:30am service on Sundays. Please note that this area is unsupervised.
Sunday School: we meet on 2nd and 4th Sundays during the 9:30am service. Families come into church together and then children go to St. Mary’s Room for stories, crafts and games.

BabyZone is a friendly place to meet other parents and their new babies (under 1) for coffee and a chat. Every week we offer space to play, chat and share experiences.
Please get in touch or check our Facebook page for the latest information. You can use the buttons below to download some fun activities to do with your baby at home, and join our Facebook page to chat, share ideas, and support one another.
Toddler Church is a short and interactive service for toddlers, babies and their new parents/carer.
Children 0-5 are welcome with their grown-ups for stories, songs and snacks at 9:30am on Wednesdays during term time in St. Mary’s Church.

Messy Church
The four Billingshurst churches welcome families to Messy Church – fun, games, crafts, singing and stories for all to enjoy! Messy Church is usually held on the second Wednesday of each month, after school from 3:30pm to 5:45pm at Billingshurst Community & Conference Centre. All children accompanied by an adult. A sit down meal is provided.
Safeguarding matters.
St Mary’s Church
12 East Street
RH14 9PY