Welcome to Sundays at St Mary’s

Sundays are a focal part of life at the church as we come together for worship, teaching and prayer.

On the first Sunday of the month we normally have one service at 10:00am at which we all come together to share in worship. on the other Sundays in the month, we have this pattern.

There are often changes round major festivals and holidays, so do click on the button below for what’s coming up for the next month.

The 9:30am

The 9:30am is a service for people of all ages! Interactive, engaging, and with music led by our worship band. Stay on for refreshments afterwards in St. Mary’s Room.

On the second and fourth Sunday our Sunday School happens during this service.

The 11:00am

The 11:00am is a Parish Communion Service. Musical worship is led by organ, and communion is celebrated every week. Tea and coffee are served in St Mary’s Room before the service from 10:15am.

the 7:30Pm

A relaxed, informal service of worship and teaching. Musical worship is band led.

This service happens on the second Sunday of each month

Sundays for kids & youth

Creche area with books and toys for under 3’s in the side chapel.

How to find us

St Mary’s Church

12 East Street


RH14 9PY